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20 items found.

100 %
Evaluating a dynamic process model of wellbeing for parents of children with disabilities: A multi-method analysis (restricted access)
The purpose of this study was to evaluate possible determinants of parent wellbeing using a contextual model of parent adjustment. After controlling for the contribution of parent demographic variables, the largest contributors to the prediction of parent wellbeing were parent problem solving ability, access to resources, environmental/social supports, and parent appraisals of threat. Child functional impairment was not significantly associated with parent wellbeing.
disability | environmental determinants
94 %
The Status of Telestroke in the United States
The authors conducted an environmental scan of telestroke programs in the U.S. and found it to be a widespread and growing practice model. Important barriers to expansion amenable to change relate to organizational, technical, and educational domains and external economic and regulatory forces.
Neurological disorders and manifestations | environmental determinants
91 %
Evidence-Based Advocacy: Using Photovoice to Identify Barriers and Facilitators to Community Participation After Spinal Cord Injury
People with spinal cord injury (SCI) face many environmental barriers to community participation. In this article, a community-based participatory research (CBPR) project that implemented the Photovoice method with 10 individuals with SCI to gather evidence of the environmental factors affecting their participation in the community in and around Charleston, SC, is described. The specific aim of this project was to use Photovoice to create an evidence base of environmental barriers and facilitators to community participation through analysis of data based on the World Health Organization’s International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health taxonomy of environmental factors.
Neurological disorders and manifestations | social participation | environmental determinants
90 %
Patterns and determinants of leisure participation of youth and adults with developmental disabilities (Restricted access)
People with developmental disabilities are at high risk for a limited participation in leisure activities. The aim of this study was to investigate the participation in, preference for and interest in leisure activities of youth and adults with developmental disabilities, and to examine the factors associated with leisure activity. A cross-sectional design was used with a convenience sample of 237 people aged 17 to 65, living in the community. The authors found that leisure participation among people with developmental disabilities is likely to be more affected by environmental factors than by personal factors.
disability | social participation | environmental determinants
90 %
Associating Social Determinants of Health with PROMIS CAT Scores and Health Care Utilization After ACL Reconstruction
Specific social determinants of health (SDOH) variables, particularly those that reflect racial and socioeconomic disparities, are associated with differences in postoperative health care utilization and anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR) outcomes. Taking into account the SDOH of a patient with ACLR may help in improving outcomes and adherence to postoperative management, according to the authors of this study.
environmental determinants
78 %
Life satisfaction in people with spinal cord injury during the first five years after discharge from inpatient rehabilitation (restricted access)
The purpose of this study is to describe the course of life satisfaction in persons with spinal cord injury (SCI) during the first 5 years after discharge from inpatient rehabilitation and to examine its determinants. Results show that no significant changes in life satisfaction were found between discharge and 2 years later, however there were significant increases from two to 5 years post discharge. High functional independence, low pain, high everyday social support and high self-efficacy were significant determinants of a positive course of life satisfaction after discharge.
Injuries | Pain | Quality of life | Rehabilitation | social integration | environmental determinants
77 %
An investigation into the social participation of stroke survivors with aphasia (restricted access)
Aphasia can profoundly affect a person's capacity for social participation. The purpose of this study is to describe how people with aphasia participate socially, and to investigate the factors which are related to social participation. The authors observed that aphasia negatively affects long term social participation, together with other factors: functional ADL performance, age and gender. Environmental factors and personal factors do not independently contribute to the level of social participation.
Cerebrovascular disorders | Language and communication disorders | social participation | environmental determinants
73 %
Barriers and Facilitators of Return to Work for Individuals with Strokes: Perspectives of the Stroke Survivor, Vocational Specialist, and Employer (restricted access)
The purpose of this study was to identify factors that facilitated or acted as a barrier to return to work (RTW) for stroke survivors. From stroke survivors’ perspectives, factors affecting employment after stroke include neurological (motor, cognition, communication), social, personal, and environmental factors. Vocational specialists described similar barriers and facilitators of RTW as the stroke survivors but emphasized personal factors such as flexibility and being realistic in vocational goals.
Work disability | environmental determinants
72 %
The ‘Ability’ Paradigm in Vocational Rehabilitation: Challenges in an Ontario Injured Worker Retraining Program
This article considers this gray zone of disability management in the case of a workers’ compensation vocational retraining program for injured workers in Ontario. It reinforces how the shift in disability management paradigm to a focus on ability and return to work requires consideration of environmental conditions, including policies and programs and implementation. A focus on the environment in which worker ability can be enacted might be as important as a focus on improving individual worker characteristics.
Work disability | disability | environmental determinants
71 %
The personal and workplace factors relevant to work readiness evaluation following acquired brain injury: Occupational therapists’ perceptions (restricted access)
This study examined the personal and workplace/environmental factors perceived most relevant to work readiness evaluations following acquired brain injury. Findings suggest that work readiness needs to be viewed as both a client and a workplace issue. Findings are translated into questions for rehabilitation professionals to guide evaluations of work readiness. Recommendations for future research include investigating how professionals weigh factors in their decision-making and exploring strategies relevant from a workplace perspective.
environmental determinants

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