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*Conseil: Les termes en anglais peuvent générer plus de résultats.

Blessures médullaires

The Participation and Quality of Life toolkit (Par-QoL)
This tool kit is a resource for professionals working in the field of spinal cord injury to learn about measuring quality of life and social participation. The website provides information about which QoL and participation outcome tools have been used to assess secondary health conditions.

ISNCSCI Algorithm
The International Standards for Neurological Classification of Spinal Cord Injury (ISNCSCI) is an examination used to determine the motor and sensory impairment and severity of a spinal cord injury. This site, developed by the Praxis Institute in partnership with the International Spinal Cord Society (ISCOS) provides a tool that utilizes the raw test scores determined by performing the exam to electronically score and classify a spinal cord injury using the ISNCSCI Eighth Edition (Revised 2019) scoring rules.

SCI Action Canada
SCI Action Canada, en collaboration avec une équipe multidisciplinaire d'experts, a développé en utilisant un processus systématique la trousse de mise en forme, une ressource basée sur les évidences et destinée aux personnes vivant avec une lésion médullaire.
La trousse de mise en forme : une ressource canadienne pour aider les adultes ayant une lésion médullaire à suivre les directives en matière d'activité physique.
Lignes directrices en document PDF

Spinal Cord Essentials
Spinal Cord Essentials propose une collection des dépliants d'informations pour les personnes blessées médullaires sur différents sujets (complications médicales, réadaptation, ressources financières, etc.).

PRAXIS institute
The Praxis Institute is a Canadian-based not-for-profit organization that leads global collaboration in spinal cord injury research, innovation, and care. It strives to improve and accelerate the translation of discoveries and best practices into improved treatments for people with spinal cord injuries.

Paralysed Veterans of America
Clinical practice guidelines provide recommendations for healthcare specialists based on evidence-based research conducted by the Consortium for Spinal Cord Medicine.