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*Conseil: Les termes en anglais peuvent générer plus de résultats.

Traumatismes cranio-cérébraux

Ce guide produit par l'équipe du projet INESSS-ONF a été conçu de façon à fournir des recommandations basées sur les données probantes pour la réadaptation de la clientèle adulte ayant subi un traumatisme craniocérébral (TCC) modéré ou grave.

Continuum de services en traumatologie (CST)
Ce site de l'Institut national d'excellence en santé et en services sociaux (INESSS) offre de l'information sur le modèle organisationnel de services québécois visant l'amélioration de la qualité des soins offerts aux traumatisés. On y retrouve également de l'information sur la recherche subventionnée ainsi que sur divers projets tels que le guide de pratique clinique en réadaptation spécialisée pour les TCC modérés ou graves ou le plan d'action en transfert des connaissances. Il est possible de s'inscrire à une infolettre.

Guideline for Pediatric Concussion
This document published by the Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation is intended to guide health care professionals in diagnosing and managing pediatric — not adult — concussion.

Heads Up to Schools: Know Your Concussion ABCs
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and several other distinguished medical, educational, school-health and school-professional organizations have developed materials for professionals working with grades kindergarten to 12 to help respond to concussions in and around school setting. Materials can be downloaded or ordered from the site.

BrainLine is an American multimedia project offering information and resources about preventing, treating, and living with Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI). BrainLine includes a series of webcasts, an electronic newsletter, and an extensive outreach campaign in partnership with national organizations concerned about TBI. The website is funded by the Defense and Veterans Brain Injury Center.

Concussions Ontario
The objective of this website is to improve the recognition, diagnosis, and management of concussion/mTBI in Ontario. The Strategy is sponsored and led by the Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation in collaboration with many partner organizations across Ontario, across sectors. The Strategy uses research to impact professional education, guidelines, standards of practice, and policy development.

The Brain Trauma Foundation
The website of the Brain Trauma Foundation features a wealth of information of interest to the public and healthcare professionals. Research reports, practical concussion checklists and guidelines are among the offerings.