Pilot Project Results


Nedelec B, Pharand-Rancourt G, Kloda L, Korner-Bitensky N


Burn injuries result in massive rehabilitation challenges that require a highly specialized, interdisciplinary approach. To best address these challenges occupational therapists (OTs) and physical therapists (PTs) are increasingly focusing on the application of evidence-based practice (EBP). Thus, a pilot project was undertaken to document their perceived knowledge translation needs.


12 therapists working with burn survivors were individually interviewed; 6 OTs and 6 PTs. The interview consisted of a variety of closed and open-ended questions to investigate what knowledge acquisition resources were being used, whether there was a perceived need for additional knowledge acquisition resources, and whether a web-based format would be viewed favorably. A student researcher took notes and summarized themes or categories.


Discussion and Conclusions:

The application of evidence-based practice demands that the health providers continually upgrade their knowledge yet, based on these results 83% of OTs and PTs surveyed believe that they are lacking adequate learning resources. Based upon these results this Burn Survivor Rehabilitation Website has been developed with the intent to expand and modify the site based upon the expressed needs of burn survivors and the care givers that provide their rehabilitation services.